
Last Clean T-Shirt

Hello there and sorry for being in hiatus again! I come back with an outfit post, one of the many faves i have this Christmas break, too bad I didn't get to take pictures for the other ones :( I shall!~soon. The camera's with my sister so I have to make do :D

Anyway, on to my outfit, I just looove Christmas Shopping and Christmas gifts! Today, I wanted to take my new stuff out for a walk and I came up with this! Very New York, I think, but fitted for the weather here. I'm not big on the midriff trend cause I'm quite shy showing stomach skin, but with high waist shorts, problem solved!
Metro Dept Top, Soiree Leather Shorts, Forever 21 Boots, Terranova Bonnet
Thanks to Andrea for taking my photos!

B-T-dub, check out Ayala's new wing! It's great!
And P.S. did you notice my new hair? It permanent, done by Chulo's Hair Salon (Korean) in Rosedale. The owner personally did my hair and I was happy with the result--much cheaper there, too! :)

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